7° Salone Nautico di Sicilia – Edizione 2024

Il Seacily, il più grande salone nautico siciliano, nasce per iniziativa di Assonautica Provinciale Palermo nel 2013. Coinvolgendo nel tempo importanti Enti e Istituzioni pubbliche, oltre ai principali operatori del settore, ha permesso nel corso degli anni la realizzazione di numerose attività importantissime, tese alla valorizzazione delle ricchezze paesaggistiche e culturali, includendo all’interno dei suoi programmi una serie di attività dirette ai bambini, nonché di spazi dedicati alla sensibilizzazione e alla tutela della risorsa marina.


Il SEACILY, il prestigioso Salone Nautico siciliano, solca nuovi orizzonti quest’anno, approdando nella splendida cornice di Marina di Balestrate, dal 17 al 20 ottobre, per la sua settima edizione.

Il SEACILY non è solo un evento nautico, ma una celebrazione delle eccellenze della nautica, un luogo di incontro per tutti gli appassionati del mare e non solo. La nostra missione è coltivare e rinnovare l’interesse comune per l’intero settore nautico, promuovendo nel contempo la salvaguardia e il rispetto della preziosa risorsa mare.

Il nostro format, collaudato nel corso degli anni, offre molto di più dell’esposizione di barche e delle prove a mare.

Quattro giornate straordinarie, in compagnia dei principali esponenti del settore nautico, incontri di business stimolanti, conferenze illuminanti e workshop aperti a tutti gli addetti del settore. Sarà un’opportunità unica per apprendere, connettersi e contribuire alla crescita di questa affascinante industria marittima.

Giovedì, 28 ottobre 2021

Introduction Business Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Pausa pranzo
Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Venerdì, 29 ottobre 2021

Introduction Business Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Digital World Event Information Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Pausa pranzo
Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Discussion: New Idea Creation Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Sabato, 30 ottobre 2021

Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Discussion: New Idea Creation Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Cocktail and networking

Domenica, 31 ottobre 2021

Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Discussion: New Idea Creation Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Cocktail and networking


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